Results for: "minmax"

Limit the number of significant digits in newly created BigDecimal numbers to the specified value. Rounding is performed as necessary, as specified by BigDecimal.mode.

A limit of 0, the default, means no upper limit.

The limit specified by this method takes less priority over any limit specified to instance methods such as ceil, floor, truncate, or round.

Returns debugging information about the value as a string of comma-separated values in angle brackets with a leading #:"1234.5678").inspect
  #=> "0.12345678e4"

The first part is the address, the second is the value as a string, and the final part ss(mm) is the current number of significant digits and the maximum number of significant digits, respectively.

Returns True if the value is finite (not NaN or infinite).

Returns the absolute value of rat.

(1/2r).abs    #=> 1/2r
(-1/2r).abs   #=> 1/2r

Rational#magnitude is an alias of Rational#abs.

Returns the value as a string for inspection.

Rational(2).inspect      #=> "(2/1)"
Rational(-8, 6).inspect  #=> "(-4/3)"
Rational('1/2').inspect  #=> "(1/2)"

Creates a date object denoting the given ordinal date.

The day of year should be a negative or a positive number (as a relative day from the end of year when negative). It should not be zero.

Date.ordinal(2001)        #=> #<Date: 2001-01-01 ...>
Date.ordinal(2001,34)     #=> #<Date: 2001-02-03 ...>
Date.ordinal(2001,-1)     #=> #<Date: 2001-12-31 ...>

See also ::jd and ::new.

Returns a hash of parsed elements.

Creates a new Date object by parsing from a string according to some typical XML Schema formats.

Date.xmlschema('2001-02-03')      #=> #<Date: 2001-02-03 ...>

Returns the value as a string for inspection.,2,3).inspect
          #=> "#<Date: 2001-02-03 ((2451944j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>",2,3,4,5,6,'-7').inspect
          #=> "#<DateTime: 2001-02-03T04:05:06-07:00 ((2451944j,39906s,0n),-25200s,2299161j)>"

This method is equivalent to strftime(‘%F’).

Creates a DateTime object denoting the given ordinal date.

DateTime.ordinal(2001,34) #=> #<DateTime: 2001-02-03T00:00:00+00:00 ...>
                          #=> #<DateTime: 2001-02-03T04:05:06+07:00 ...>
                          #=> #<DateTime: 2001-02-03T04:05:06+07:00 ...>

Creates a new DateTime object by parsing from a string according to some typical XML Schema formats.

                          #=> #<DateTime: 2001-02-03T04:05:06+07:00 ...>

This method is equivalent to strftime(‘%FT%T%:z’). The optional argument n is the number of digits for fractional seconds.

                          #=> "2001-02-03T04:05:06.123456789+07:00"

Parses date as a dateTime defined by the XML Schema and converts it to a Time object. The format is a restricted version of the format defined by ISO 8601.

ArgumentError is raised if date is not compliant with the format or if the Time class cannot represent specified date.

See xmlschema for more information on this format.

You must require ‘time’ to use this method.

Returns a string which represents the time as a dateTime defined by XML Schema:


where TZD is Z or [+-]hh:mm.

If self is a UTC time, Z is used as TZD. [+-]hh:mm is used otherwise.

fractional_digits specifies a number of digits to use for fractional seconds. Its default value is 0.

You must require ‘time’ to use this method.

Returns a string representing time. Equivalent to calling strftime with the appropriate format string.

t =
t.to_s                              => "2012-11-10 18:16:12 +0100"
t.strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z"   => "2012-11-10 18:16:12 +0100"

t.utc.to_s                          => "2012-11-10 17:16:12 UTC"
t.strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC"  => "2012-11-10 17:16:12 UTC"

Returns a Hash (not a DBM database) created by using each value in the database as a key, with the corresponding key as its value.

Returns true if the database contains the specified key, false otherwise.

Returns a description of this struct as a string.

Returns console size.

You must require ‘io/console’ to use this method.

Tries to set console size. The effect depends on the platform and the running environment.

You must require ‘io/console’ to use this method.

Reads the entire file specified by name as individual lines, and returns those lines in an array. Lines are separated by sep.

a = IO.readlines("testfile")
a[0]   #=> "This is line one\n"

If the last argument is a hash, it’s the keyword argument to open. See for detail.

Opens the file, optionally seeks to the given offset, then returns length bytes (defaulting to the rest of the file). binread ensures the file is closed before returning. The open mode would be “rb:ASCII-8BIT”.

IO.binread("testfile")           #=> "This is line one\nThis is line two\nThis is line three\nAnd so on...\n"
IO.binread("testfile", 20)       #=> "This is line one\nThi"
IO.binread("testfile", 20, 10)   #=> "ne one\nThis is line "

Same as IO.write except opening the file in binary mode and ASCII-8BIT encoding (“wb:ASCII-8BIT”).

Writes the given object(s) to ios. Returns nil.

The stream must be opened for writing. Each given object that isn’t a string will be converted by calling its to_s method. When called without arguments, prints the contents of $_.

If the output field separator ($,) is not nil, it is inserted between objects. If the output record separator ($\) is not nil, it is appended to the output.

$stdout.print("This is ", 100, " percent.\n")


This is 100 percent.
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