Results for: "strip"

Symmetric Householder reduction to tridiagonal form.

No documentation available

Get an array of all Instruction children. IMMUTABLE

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No documentation available

Override to display a longer description of what this command does.

A detailed description of this gem. See also summary

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returns attributes.

setter for attributes val

Creates a class to wrap the C struct described by signature.

MyStruct = struct ['int i', 'char c']

Called when an instruction is encountered. EG: <?xsl sheet=‘foo’?> @p name the instruction name; in the example, “xsl” @p instruction the rest of the instruction. In the example, “sheet=‘foo’”

No documentation available

Returns an array of instance variable names for the receiver. Note that simply defining an accessor does not create the corresponding instance variable.

class Fred
  attr_accessor :a1
  def initialize
    @iv = 3
end   #=> [:@iv]

Returns self.

If called on a subclass of String, converts the receiver to a String object.

Creates an accessor method to allow assignment to the attribute symbol.id2name. String arguments are converted to symbols.

Makes a list of existing constants private.

IO.copy_stream copies src to dst. src and dst is either a filename or an IO.

This method returns the number of bytes copied.

If optional arguments are not given, the start position of the copy is the beginning of the filename or the current file offset of the IO. The end position of the copy is the end of file.

If copy_length is given, No more than copy_length bytes are copied.

If src_offset is given, it specifies the start position of the copy.

When src_offset is specified and src is an IO, IO.copy_stream doesn’t move the current file offset.

Returns true for IPv4 private address (,, It returns false otherwise.

Returns true for IPv4 multicast address ( It returns false otherwise.

Returns true for IPv6 multicast address (ff00::/8). It returns false otherwise.

Builds a String in @encoding. All chunks will be transcoded to that encoding.

Adds list of ACL entries to this ACL.

Returns true if this is a lower triangular matrix.

Returns true if this is an upper triangular matrix.

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