Results for: "uniq"

No documentation available

Run the gem command with the following arguments.

Unpacks the gem into the given directory.

Creates a new package that will read or write to the file gem.

Initialization tasks without the “yield self” or define operations.

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No documentation available
No documentation available

Sanitize the descriptive fields in the spec. Sometimes non-ASCII characters will garble the site index. Non-ASCII characters will be replaced by their XML entity equivalent.

Unescapes the uri which came from a CGI parameter

No documentation available

See IO.unlink when path is a file.

See Dir.unlink when path is a directory.



String to remove escapes from


Regexp to apply. Defaults to self.regexp


Removes escapes from str



String to remove escapes from


Regexp to apply. Defaults to self.regexp


Removes escapes from str

Will this response body be returned using chunked transfer-encoding?

Enables chunked transfer encoding.

Processes requests on sock

Mounts servlet on dir passing options to the servlet at creation time

No documentation available

You must subclass GenericServer and implement #run which accepts a TCP client socket

Releases the lock. Raises ThreadError if mutex wasn’t locked by the current thread.

Obtains a lock, runs the block, and releases the lock when the block completes. See the example under Mutex.

Finishes the converter. It returns the last part of the converted string.

ec ="utf-8", "iso-2022-jp")
p ec.convert("\u3042")     #=> "\e$B$\""
p ec.finish                #=> "\e(B"

Finishes the digest and returns the resulting hash value.

This method is overridden by each implementation subclass and often made private, because some of those subclasses may leave internal data uninitialized. Do not call this method from outside. Use digest!() instead, which ensures that internal data be reset for security reasons.

Pushes character c back onto the stream such that a subsequent buffered character read will return it.

Unlike IO#getc multiple bytes may be pushed back onto the stream.

Has no effect on unbuffered reads (such as sysread).

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