Results for: "module_function"

Returns the number of elements in the match array.

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.")
m.length   #=> 5
m.size     #=> 5

This says “you can break a line here if necessary”, and a width-column text sep is inserted if a line is not broken at the point.

If sep is not specified, “ ” is used.

If width is not specified, sep.length is used. You will have to specify this when sep is a multibyte character, for example.

Removes an object hierarchy from the data store, by name.

WARNING: This method is only valid in a PStore#transaction and it cannot be read-only. It will raise PStore::Error if called at any other time.

Returns true if int is an odd number.

Sets default task values

No documentation available

Removes all elements and returns self.

Deletes the given object from the set and returns self. Use subtract to delete many items at once.

Deletes the given object from the set and returns self. If the object is not in the set, returns nil.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Activates the trace

Return true if trace was enabled. Return false if trace was disabled.

trace.enabled?  #=> false
trace.enable    #=> false (previous state)
                #   trace is enabled
trace.enabled?  #=> true
trace.enable    #=> true (previous state)
                #   trace is still enabled

If a block is given, the trace will only be enabled within the scope of the block.

#=> false

trace.enable do
    # only enabled for this block

#=> false

Note: You cannot access event hooks within the block.

trace.enable { p tp.lineno }
#=> RuntimeError: access from outside

Deactivates the trace

Return true if trace was enabled. Return false if trace was disabled.

trace.enabled?       #=> true
trace.disable        #=> false (previous status)
trace.enabled?       #=> false
trace.disable        #=> false

If a block is given, the trace will only be disable within the scope of the block.

#=> true

trace.disable do
    # only disabled for this block

#=> true

Note: You cannot access event hooks within the block.

trace.disable { p tp.lineno }
#=> RuntimeError: access from outside

The current status of the trace

Returns x+i*y;

Complex(1, 2)    #=> (1+2i)
Complex('1+2i')  #=> (1+2i)
Complex(nil)     #=> TypeError
Complex(1, nil)  #=> TypeError

Syntax of string form:

string form = extra spaces , complex , extra spaces ;
complex = real part | [ sign ] , imaginary part
        | real part , sign , imaginary part
        | rational , "@" , rational ;
real part = rational ;
imaginary part = imaginary unit | unsigned rational , imaginary unit ;
rational = [ sign ] , unsigned rational ;
unsigned rational = numerator | numerator , "/" , denominator ;
numerator = integer part | fractional part | integer part , fractional part ;
denominator = digits ;
integer part = digits ;
fractional part = "." , digits , [ ( "e" | "E" ) , [ sign ] , digits ] ;
imaginary unit = "i" | "I" | "j" | "J" ;
sign = "-" | "+" ;
digits = digit , { digit | "_" , digit };
digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ;
extra spaces = ? \s* ? ;

See String#to_c.

Returns the name at the definition of the current method as a Symbol. If called outside of a method, it returns nil.

Returns the called name of the current method as a Symbol. If called outside of a method, it returns nil.

Suspends the current thread for duration seconds (which may be any number, including a Float with fractional seconds). Returns the actual number of seconds slept (rounded), which may be less than that asked for if another thread calls Thread#run. Called without an argument, sleep() will sleep forever.    #=> 2008-03-08 19:56:19 +0900
sleep 1.2   #=> 1    #=> 2008-03-08 19:56:20 +0900
sleep 1.9   #=> 2    #=> 2008-03-08 19:56:22 +0900

Returns the current execution stack—an array containing strings in the form file:line or file:line: in `method'.

The optional start parameter determines the number of initial stack entries to omit from the top of the stack.

A second optional length parameter can be used to limit how many entries are returned from the stack.

Returns nil if start is greater than the size of current execution stack.

Optionally you can pass a range, which will return an array containing the entries within the specified range.

def a(skip)
def b(skip)
def c(skip)
c(0)   #=> ["prog:2:in `a'", "prog:5:in `b'", "prog:8:in `c'", "prog:10:in `<main>'"]
c(1)   #=> ["prog:5:in `b'", "prog:8:in `c'", "prog:11:in `<main>'"]
c(2)   #=> ["prog:8:in `c'", "prog:12:in `<main>'"]
c(3)   #=> ["prog:13:in `<main>'"]
c(4)   #=> []
c(5)   #=> nil

Combines all elements of enum by applying a binary operation, specified by a block or a symbol that names a method or operator.

If you specify a block, then for each element in enum the block is passed an accumulator value (memo) and the element. If you specify a symbol instead, then each element in the collection will be passed to the named method of memo. In either case, the result becomes the new value for memo. At the end of the iteration, the final value of memo is the return value for the method.

If you do not explicitly specify an initial value for memo, then the first element of collection is used as the initial value of memo.

# Sum some numbers
(5..10).reduce(:+)                             #=> 45
# Same using a block and inject
(5..10).inject { |sum, n| sum + n }            #=> 45
# Multiply some numbers
(5..10).reduce(1, :*)                          #=> 151200
# Same using a block
(5..10).inject(1) { |product, n| product * n } #=> 151200
# find the longest word
longest = %w{ cat sheep bear }.inject do |memo, word|
   memo.length > word.length ? memo : word
longest                                        #=> "sheep"

Calls block for each element of enum repeatedly n times or forever if none or nil is given. If a non-positive number is given or the collection is empty, does nothing. Returns nil if the loop has finished without getting interrupted.

Enumerable#cycle saves elements in an internal array so changes to enum after the first pass have no effect.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

a = ["a", "b", "c"]
a.cycle { |x| puts x }  # print, a, b, c, a, b, c,.. forever.
a.cycle(2) { |x| puts x }  # print, a, b, c, a, b, c.

Returns a hash that contains filename as key and coverage array as value and disables coverage measurement.

Dumps obj as a JSON string, i.e. calls generate on the object and returns the result.

If anIO (an IO-like object or an object that responds to the write method) was given, the resulting JSON is written to it.

If the number of nested arrays or objects exceeds limit, an ArgumentError exception is raised. This argument is similar (but not exactly the same!) to the limit argument in Marshal.dump.

The default options for the generator can be changed via the dump_default_options method.

This method is part of the implementation of the load/dump interface of Marshal and YAML.

Convert self to locale encoding

Convert self to locale encoding

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