Results for: "strip"

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Returns a Hash containing the following keys:


Number of started SSL/TLS handshakes in server mode


Number of established SSL/TLS sessions in server mode


Number of start renegotiations in server mode


Number of sessions that were removed due to cache overflow


Number of successfully reused connections


Number of sessions proposed by clients that were not found in the cache


Number of sessions in the internal session cache


Number of sessions retrieved from the external cache in server mode


Number of started SSL/TLS handshakes in client mode


Number of established SSL/TLS sessions in client mode


Number of start renegotiations in client mode


Number of sessions proposed by clients that were found in the cache but had expired due to timeouts

Perform hostname verification after an SSL connection is established

This method MUST be called after calling connect to ensure that the hostname of a remote peer has been verified.

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Checks if ‘key’ is PRIV key for this cert

See the OpenSSL documentation for ECDSA_verify()

Takes the first digit of the reply code to determine the status type

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Adds name with permissions mode to the tar, yielding io for writing the file. The digest_algorithm is written to a read-only name.sum file following the given file contents containing the digest name and hexdigest separated by a tab.

The created digest object is returned.

Looks up the latest specification for dependency and adds it to the always_install list.

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