Results for: "match"

Returns a challenge response which asks for authentication information

Authenticates a req and returns a 401 Unauthorized using res if the authentication was not correct.

Returns a challenge response which asks for authentication information

Iterate passwords in the database.

Iterate passwords in the database.

Evaluates erb providing servlet_request and servlet_response as local variables.

Returns, when successfully the only child-node

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Returns the file name of this frame.

For example, using caller_locations.rb from Thread::Backtrace::Location

loc = c(0..1).first
loc.path #=> caller_locations.rb
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Returns a new lazy enumerator with the concatenated results of running block once for every element in lazy.

["foo", "bar"].lazy.flat_map {|i| i.each_char.lazy}.force
#=> ["f", "o", "o", "b", "a", "r"]

A value x returned by block is decomposed if either of the following conditions is true:

a) <i>x</i> responds to both each and force, which means that
   <i>x</i> is a lazy enumerator.
b) <i>x</i> is an array or responds to to_ary.

Otherwise, x is contained as-is in the return value.

[{a:1}, {b:2}].lazy.flat_map {|i| i}.force
#=> [{:a=>1}, {:b=>2}]
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Sets the cipher’s additional authenticated data. This field must be set when using AEAD cipher modes such as GCM or CCM. If no associated data shall be used, this method must still be called with a value of “”. The contents of this field should be non-sensitive data which will be added to the ciphertext to generate the authentication tag which validates the contents of the ciphertext.

The AAD must be set prior to encryption or decryption. In encryption mode, it must be set after calling Cipher#encrypt and setting Cipher#key= and Cipher#iv=. When decrypting, the authenticated data must be set after key, iv and especially after the authentication tag has been set. I.e. set it only after calling Cipher#decrypt, Cipher#key=, Cipher#iv= and Cipher#auth_tag= first.

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