Results for: "partition"

Disables SMTP/TLS (STARTTLS) for this object. Must be called before the connection is established to have any effect.

Set the number of seconds to wait until timing-out a read(2) call.

No documentation available

Parses argument, converts and returns arg, block and result of conversion. Yields at semi-error condition instead of raising an exception.

No documentation available

Notifies all registered listeners for event of a status change of tuple.

Creates a thread that scans the tuplespace for expired tuples.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Set @@default_parser to new_value if it is one of the available parsers. Else raise NotValidXMLParser error.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns full path to the directory where gem’s extensions are installed.

Returns path to the extensions directory.

No documentation available

Is this dependency simply asking for the latest version of a gem?

Count the number of gemspecs in the list specs that are not in ignored.

Builds extensions. Valid types of extensions are extconf.rb files, configure scripts and rakefiles or mkrf_conf files.

Creates an installer for spec that will install into gem_home. If user is true a user-install will be performed.

This is ported over from the yaml_tree in 1.9.3

True if version satisfies this Requirement.

Activate all unambiguously resolved runtime dependencies of this spec. Add any ambiguous dependencies to the unresolved list to be resolved later, as needed.

Is this specification missing its extensions? When this returns true you probably want to build_extensions

List of dependencies that will automatically be activated at runtime.

Checks if this specification meets the requirement of dependency.

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