Results for: "uniq"

Adds a pre-uninstall hook that will be passed an Gem::Uninstaller instance and the spec that will be uninstalled when Gem::Uninstaller#uninstall is called

creates a UNIX server socket on path

If no block given, it returns a listening socket.

If a block is given, it is called with the socket and the block value is returned. When the block exits, the socket is closed and the socket file is removed.

socket = Socket.unix_server_socket("/tmp/s")
p socket                  #=> #<Socket:fd 3>
p socket.local_address    #=> #<Addrinfo: /tmp/s SOCK_STREAM>

Socket.unix_server_socket("/tmp/sock") {|s|
  p s                     #=> #<Socket:fd 3>
  p s.local_address       #=> # #<Addrinfo: /tmp/sock SOCK_STREAM>

creates a UNIX socket server on path. It calls the block for each socket accepted.

If host is specified, it is used with port to determine the server ports.

The socket is not closed when the block returns. So application should close it.

This method deletes the socket file pointed by path at first if the file is a socket file and it is owned by the user of the application. This is safe only if the directory of path is not changed by a malicious user. So don’t use /tmp/malicious-users-directory/socket. Note that /tmp/socket and /tmp/your-private-directory/socket is safe assuming that /tmp has sticky bit.

# Sequential echo server.
# It services only one client at a time.
Socket.unix_server_loop("/tmp/sock") {|sock, client_addrinfo|
    IO.copy_stream(sock, sock)

Unpacks sockaddr into path.

sockaddr should be a string or an addrinfo for AF_UNIX.

sockaddr = Socket.sockaddr_un("/tmp/sock")
p Socket.unpack_sockaddr_un(sockaddr) #=> "/tmp/sock"

The block passed to this method will be called just before running the RDoc generator. It is allowed to modify RDoc::Task attributes inside the block.

Creates a new Socket::AncillaryData object which contains file descriptors as data.

p Socket::AncillaryData.unix_rights(STDERR)
#=> #<Socket::AncillaryData: UNIX SOCKET RIGHTS 2>

returns the array of IO objects for SCM_RIGHTS control message in UNIX domain socket.

The class of the IO objects in the array is IO or Socket.

The array is attached to ancillarydata when it is instantiated. For example, BasicSocket#recvmsg attach the array when receives a SCM_RIGHTS control message and :scm_rights=>true option is given.

# recvmsg needs :scm_rights=>true for unix_rights
s1, s2 = UNIXSocket.pair
p s1                                         #=> #<UNIXSocket:fd 3>
s1.sendmsg "stdin and a socket", 0, nil, Socket::AncillaryData.unix_rights(STDIN, s1)
_, _, _, ctl = s2.recvmsg(:scm_rights=>true)
p ctl                                        #=> #<Socket::AncillaryData: UNIX SOCKET RIGHTS 6 7>
p ctl.unix_rights                            #=> [#<IO:fd 6>, #<Socket:fd 7>]
p File.identical?(STDIN, ctl.unix_rights[0]) #=> true
p File.identical?(s1, ctl.unix_rights[1])    #=> true

# If :scm_rights=>true is not given, unix_rights returns nil
s1, s2 = UNIXSocket.pair
s1.sendmsg "stdin and a socket", 0, nil, Socket::AncillaryData.unix_rights(STDIN, s1)
_, _, _, ctl = s2.recvmsg
p ctl #=> #<Socket::AncillaryData: UNIX SOCKET RIGHTS 6 7>
p ctl.unix_rights #=> nil

Uninstalls the Gem::Specification spec

Uninstalls gem spec

| UnionExpr ‘|’ PathExpr | PathExpr

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Prepends objects to the front of self, moving other elements upwards. See also Array#shift for the opposite effect.

a = [ "b", "c", "d" ]
a.unshift("a")   #=> ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
a.unshift(1, 2)  #=> [ 1, 2, "a", "b", "c", "d"]

Returns the number of elements.

If an argument is given, counts the number of elements which equal obj using ==.

If a block is given, counts the number of elements for which the block returns a true value.

ary = [1, 2, 4, 2]
ary.count                  #=> 4
ary.count(2)               #=> 2
ary.count { |x| x%2 == 0 } #=> 3

Returns the absolute value of big.

-1234567890987654321.abs   #=> 1234567890987654321

Returns the absolute part of its polar form.

Complex(-1).abs         #=> 1
Complex(3.0, -4.0).abs  #=> 5.0

Only the object nil responds true to nil?.

Returns the absolute value of num.

12.abs         #=> 12
(-34.56).abs   #=> 34.56
-34.56.abs     #=> 34.56

Numeric#magnitude is an alias of Numeric#abs.

Rounds num to a given precision in decimal digits (default 0 digits).

Precision may be negative. Returns a floating point number when ndigits is more than zero.

Numeric implements this by converting itself to a Float and invoking Float#round.

Returns num truncated to an Integer.

Numeric implements this by converting its value to a Float and invoking Float#truncate.

Decodes str (which may contain binary data) according to the format string, returning an array of each value extracted. The format string consists of a sequence of single-character directives, summarized in the table at the end of this entry. Each directive may be followed by a number, indicating the number of times to repeat with this directive. An asterisk (“*”) will use up all remaining elements. The directives sSiIlL may each be followed by an underscore (“_”) or exclamation mark (“!”) to use the underlying platform’s native size for the specified type; otherwise, it uses a platform-independent consistent size. Spaces are ignored in the format string. See also Array#pack.

"abc \0\0abc \0\0".unpack('A6Z6')   #=> ["abc", "abc "]
"abc \0\0".unpack('a3a3')           #=> ["abc", " \000\000"]
"abc \0abc \0".unpack('Z*Z*')       #=> ["abc ", "abc "]
"aa".unpack('b8B8')                 #=> ["10000110", "01100001"]
"aaa".unpack('h2H2c')               #=> ["16", "61", 97]
"\xfe\xff\xfe\xff".unpack('sS')     #=> [-2, 65534]
"now=20is".unpack('M*')             #=> ["now is"]
"whole".unpack('xax2aX2aX1aX2a')    #=> ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]

This table summarizes the various formats and the Ruby classes returned by each.

Integer      |         |
Directive    | Returns | Meaning
   C         | Integer | 8-bit unsigned (unsigned char)
   S         | Integer | 16-bit unsigned, native endian (uint16_t)
   L         | Integer | 32-bit unsigned, native endian (uint32_t)
   Q         | Integer | 64-bit unsigned, native endian (uint64_t)
             |         |
   c         | Integer | 8-bit signed (signed char)
   s         | Integer | 16-bit signed, native endian (int16_t)
   l         | Integer | 32-bit signed, native endian (int32_t)
   q         | Integer | 64-bit signed, native endian (int64_t)
             |         |
   S_, S!    | Integer | unsigned short, native endian
   I, I_, I! | Integer | unsigned int, native endian
   L_, L!    | Integer | unsigned long, native endian
   Q_, Q!    | Integer | unsigned long long, native endian (ArgumentError
             |         | if the platform has no long long type.)
             |         | (Q_ and Q! is available since Ruby 2.1.)
             |         |
   s_, s!    | Integer | signed short, native endian
   i, i_, i! | Integer | signed int, native endian
   l_, l!    | Integer | signed long, native endian
   q_, q!    | Integer | signed long long, native endian (ArgumentError
             |         | if the platform has no long long type.)
             |         | (q_ and q! is available since Ruby 2.1.)
             |         |
   S> L> Q>  | Integer | same as the directives without ">" except
   s> l> q>  |         | big endian
   S!> I!>   |         | (available since Ruby 1.9.3)
   L!> Q!>   |         | "S>" is same as "n"
   s!> i!>   |         | "L>" is same as "N"
   l!> q!>   |         |
             |         |
   S< L< Q<  | Integer | same as the directives without "<" except
   s< l< q<  |         | little endian
   S!< I!<   |         | (available since Ruby 1.9.3)
   L!< Q!<   |         | "S<" is same as "v"
   s!< i!<   |         | "L<" is same as "V"
   l!< q!<   |         |
             |         |
   n         | Integer | 16-bit unsigned, network (big-endian) byte order
   N         | Integer | 32-bit unsigned, network (big-endian) byte order
   v         | Integer | 16-bit unsigned, VAX (little-endian) byte order
   V         | Integer | 32-bit unsigned, VAX (little-endian) byte order
             |         |
   U         | Integer | UTF-8 character
   w         | Integer | BER-compressed integer (see Array.pack)

Float        |         |
Directive    | Returns | Meaning
   D, d      | Float   | double-precision, native format
   F, f      | Float   | single-precision, native format
   E         | Float   | double-precision, little-endian byte order
   e         | Float   | single-precision, little-endian byte order
   G         | Float   | double-precision, network (big-endian) byte order
   g         | Float   | single-precision, network (big-endian) byte order

String       |         |
Directive    | Returns | Meaning
   A         | String  | arbitrary binary string (remove trailing nulls and ASCII spaces)
   a         | String  | arbitrary binary string
   Z         | String  | null-terminated string
   B         | String  | bit string (MSB first)
   b         | String  | bit string (LSB first)
   H         | String  | hex string (high nibble first)
   h         | String  | hex string (low nibble first)
   u         | String  | UU-encoded string
   M         | String  | quoted-printable, MIME encoding (see RFC2045)
   m         | String  | base64 encoded string (RFC 2045) (default)
             |         | base64 encoded string (RFC 4648) if followed by 0
   P         | String  | pointer to a structure (fixed-length string)
   p         | String  | pointer to a null-terminated string

Misc.        |         |
Directive    | Returns | Meaning
   @         | ---     | skip to the offset given by the length argument
   X         | ---     | skip backward one byte
   x         | ---     | skip forward one byte

Each other_str parameter defines a set of characters to count. The intersection of these sets defines the characters to count in str. Any other_str that starts with a caret ^ is negated. The sequence c1-c2 means all characters between c1 and c2. The backslash character \ can be used to escape ^ or - and is otherwise ignored unless it appears at the end of a sequence or the end of a other_str.

a = "hello world"
a.count "lo"                   #=> 5
a.count "lo", "o"              #=> 2
a.count "hello", "^l"          #=> 4
a.count "ej-m"                 #=> 4

"hello^world".count "\\^aeiou" #=> 4
"hello-world".count "a\\-eo"   #=> 4

c = "hello world\\r\\n"
c.count "\\"                   #=> 2
c.count "\\A"                  #=> 0
c.count "X-\\w"                #=> 3

Returns the absolute value of float.

(-34.56).abs   #=> 34.56
-34.56.abs     #=> 34.56
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