Results for: "match"

Creates an accessor method to allow assignment to the attribute symbol.id2name. String arguments are converted to symbols.

Defines a named attribute for this module, where the name is symbol.id2name, creating an instance variable (@name) and a corresponding access method to read it. Also creates a method called name= to set the attribute. String arguments are converted to symbols.

module Mod
  attr_accessor(:one, :two)
Mod.instance_methods.sort   #=> [:one, :one=, :two, :two=]

Makes a list of existing constants private.

No documentation available

Import a JSON Marshalled object.

method used for JSON marshalling support.

Iterates the given block over all prime numbers.

See Prime#each for more details.

Deserializes JSON string by converting numerator value n, denominator value d, to a Rational object.

Returns true if the given calendar date is valid, and false if not.

Date.valid_date?(2001,2,3)        #=> true
Date.valid_date?(2001,2,29)       #=> false

See also jd and civil.

Returns self;

Returns a DateTime object which denotes self.

Deserializes JSON string by converting Julian year y, month m, day d and Day of Calendar Reform sg to Date.

Returns a Date object which denotes self.

Returns self.

Deserializes JSON string by converting year y, month m, day d, hour H, minute M, second S, offset of and Day of Calendar Reform sg to DateTime.

Returns a Date object which denotes self.

Returns a DateTime object which denotes self.

Deserializes JSON string by converting time since epoch to Time

No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns the offset in seconds between the timezone of time and UTC.

t =,1,1,20,15,1)   #=> 2000-01-01 20:15:01 UTC
t.gmt_offset                    #=> 0
l = t.getlocal                  #=> 2000-01-01 14:15:01 -0600
l.gmt_offset                    #=> -21600

Returns an array containing the values associated with the given keys.

Calls the block once for each value string in the database. Returns self.

Calls the block once for each key string in the database. Returns self.

Calls the block once for each [key, value] pair in the database. Returns self.

Deserializes JSON string by constructing new Struct object with values v serialized by to_json.

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