Results for: "match"

Generate a Checkbox Input element as a string.

The attributes of the element can be specified as three arguments, name, value, and checked. checked is a boolean value; if true, the CHECKED attribute will be included in the element.

Alternatively, the attributes can be specified as a hash.

  # = checkbox("NAME" => "name")

checkbox("name", "value")
  # = checkbox("NAME" => "name", "VALUE" => "value")

checkbox("name", "value", true)
  # = checkbox("NAME" => "name", "VALUE" => "value", "CHECKED" => true)
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Returns “true” if the “transfer-encoding” header is present and set to “chunked”. This is an HTTP/1.1 feature, allowing the the content to be sent in “chunks” without at the outset stating the entire content length.

returns a charset parameter in Content-Type field. It is downcased for canonicalization.

If charset parameter is not given but a block is given, the block is called and its result is returned. It can be used to guess charset.

If charset parameter and block is not given, nil is returned except text type in HTTP. In that case, “iso-8859-1” is returned as defined by RFC2616 3.7.1.

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This is entirely Mike Stok’s beast

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If a doctype includes an ATTLIST declaration, it will cause this method to be called. The content is the declaration itself, unparsed. EG, <!ATTLIST el attr CDATA REQUIRED> will come to this method as “el attr CDATA REQUIRED”. This is the same for all of the .*decl methods.


Called when <![CDATA[ … ]]> is encountered in a document. @p content “…”

If a doctype includes an ATTLIST declaration, it will cause this method to be called. The content is the declaration itself, unparsed. EG, <!ATTLIST el attr CDATA REQUIRED> will come to this method as “el attr CDATA REQUIRED”. This is the same for all of the .*decl methods.


Called when <![CDATA[ … ]]> is encountered in a document. @p content “…”

Builder for an RSS object Creates an object of the type passed in args

Executes the block to populate elements of the created RSS object

Returns collection of supported makers

Can I remove this method?

Simple deprecation method that deprecates name by wrapping it up in a dummy method. It warns on each call to the dummy method telling the user of repl (unless repl is :none) and the year/month that it is planned to go away.

Simple deprecation method that deprecates name by wrapping it up in a dummy method. It warns on each call to the dummy method telling the user of repl (unless repl is :none) and the year/month that it is planned to go away.

A Zlib::Inflate#inflate wrapper

Converts a the given str to a dateTime.iso8601 formatted date.

Raises an exception if the String isn’t in dateTime.iso8601 format.

See also, XMLRPC::DateTime

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