Results for: "tally"

mtch.values_at([index]*)   -> array

Uses each index to access the matching values, returning an array of the corresponding matches.

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138: The Movie")
m.to_a               #=> ["HX1138", "H", "X", "113", "8"]
m.values_at(0, 2, -2)   #=> ["HX1138", "X", "113"]

This is similar to breakable except the decision to break or not is determined individually.

Two fill_breakable under a group may cause 4 results: (break,break), (break,non-break), (non-break,break), (non-break,non-break). This is different to breakable because two breakable under a group may cause 2 results: (break,break), (non-break,non-break).

The text sep is inserted if a line is not broken at this point.

If sep is not specified, “ ” is used.

If width is not specified, sep.length is used. You will have to specify this when sep is a multibyte character, for example.

Load the given PStore file. If read_only is true, the unmarshalled Hash will be returned. If read_only is false, a 3-tuple will be returned: the unmarshalled Hash, an MD5 checksum of the data, and the size of the data.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Dup internal hash.

Clone internal hash.

Convenience method for Shell::CommandProcessor.alias_command. Defines an instance method which will execute a command under an alternative name.

Shell.alias_command('date_in_utc', 'date', '-u') # => Sat Jan 25 16:59:57 UTC 2014

Convenience method for Shell::CommandProcessor.unalias_command

Returns true if the referenced object is still alive.

Returns the exit value associated with this LocalJumpError.

Returns the original name of the method.

Returns the original name of the method.

Returns the names of the binding’s local variables as symbols.

def foo
  a = 1
  2.times do |n|
    binding.local_variables #=> [:a, :n]

This method is the short version of the following code:


Return value from :return, c_return, and b_return event

Returns an array of the names of global variables.

global_variables.grep /std/   #=> [:$stdin, :$stdout, :$stderr]

Returns the names of the current local variables.

fred = 1
for i in 1..10
   # ...
local_variables   #=> [:fred, :i]

Returns a new array with the concatenated results of running block once for every element in enum.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

[1, 2, 3, 4].flat_map { |e| [e, -e] } #=> [1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4]
[[1, 2], [3, 4]].flat_map { |e| e + [100] } #=> [1, 2, 100, 3, 4, 100]

Passes elements to the block until the block returns nil or false, then stops iterating and returns an array of all prior elements.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0]
a.take_while { |i| i < 3 }   #=> [1, 2]

Initiates garbage collection, unless manually disabled.

This method is defined with keyword arguments that default to true:

def GC.start(full_mark: true, immediate_sweep: true); end

Use full_mark: false to perform a minor GC. Use immediate_sweep: false to defer sweeping (use lazy sweep).

Note: These keyword arguments are implementation and version dependent. They are not guaranteed to be future-compatible, and may be ignored if the underlying implementation does not support them.

Adds aProc as a finalizer, to be called after obj was destroyed. The object ID of the obj will be passed as an argument to aProc. If aProc is a lambda or method, make sure it can be called with a single argument.

Removes all finalizers for obj.

Sets the list of characters that are word break characters, but should be left in text when it is passed to the completion function. Programs can use this to help determine what kind of completing to do. For instance, Bash sets this variable to “$@” so that it can complete shell variables and hostnames.

See GNU Readline’s rl_special_prefixes variable.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Gets the list of characters that are word break characters, but should be left in text when it is passed to the completion function.

See GNU Readline’s rl_special_prefixes variable.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Returns the table for calculating CRC checksum as an array.

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