Results for: "tally"

true if the POP3 session has started.

Starts a POP3 session.

When called with block, gives a POP3 object to the block and closes the session after block call finishes.

This method raises a POPAuthenticationError if authentication fails.

Returns truth value if this object uses STARTTLS. If this object always uses STARTTLS, returns :always. If this object uses STARTTLS when the server support TLS, returns :auto.

Creates a new Net::SMTP object and connects to the server.

This method is equivalent to:, port).start(helo_domain, account, password, authtype)


Net::SMTP.start('your.smtp.server') do |smtp|
  smtp.send_message msgstr, '', ['']

Block Usage

If called with a block, the newly-opened Net::SMTP object is yielded to the block, and automatically closed when the block finishes. If called without a block, the newly-opened Net::SMTP object is returned to the caller, and it is the caller’s responsibility to close it when finished.


address is the hostname or ip address of your smtp server.

port is the port to connect to; it defaults to port 25.

helo is the HELO domain provided by the client to the server (see overview comments); it defaults to ‘localhost’.

The remaining arguments are used for SMTP authentication, if required or desired. user is the account name; secret is your password or other authentication token; and authtype is the authentication type, one of :plain, :login, or :cram_md5. See the discussion of SMTP Authentication in the overview notes.


This method may raise:

true if the SMTP session has been started.

Opens a TCP connection and starts the SMTP session.


helo is the HELO domain that you’ll dispatch mails from; see the discussion in the overview notes.

If both of user and secret are given, SMTP authentication will be attempted using the AUTH command. authtype specifies the type of authentication to attempt; it must be one of :login, :plain, and :cram_md5. See the notes on SMTP Authentication in the overview.

Block Usage

When this methods is called with a block, the newly-started SMTP object is yielded to the block, and automatically closed after the block call finishes. Otherwise, it is the caller’s responsibility to close the session when finished.


This is very similar to the class method SMTP.start.

require 'net/smtp'
smtp ='smtp.mail.server', 25)
smtp.start(helo_domain, account, password, authtype) do |smtp|
  smtp.send_message msgstr, '', ['']

The primary use of this method (as opposed to SMTP.start) is probably to set debugging (set_debug_output) or ESMTP (esmtp=), which must be done before the session is started.


If session has already been started, an IOError will be raised.

This method may raise:

No documentation available

This method sends a message. If msgstr is given, sends it as a message. If block is given, yield a message writer stream. You must write message before the block is closed.

# Example 1 (by string)<<EndMessage)
Subject: I found a bug

Check vm.c:58879.

# Example 2 (by block) {|f|
  f.puts "From:"
  f.puts "To:"
  f.puts "Subject: I found a bug"
  f.puts ""
  f.puts "Check vm.c:58879."
No documentation available

Gets the IP address of name from the hosts file.

Gets all IP addresses for name from the hosts file.

Gets the IP address of name from the DNS resolver.

name can be a Resolv::DNS::Name or a String. Retrieved address will be a Resolv::IPv4 or Resolv::IPv6

Gets all IP addresses for name from the DNS resolver.

name can be a Resolv::DNS::Name or a String. Retrieved addresses will be a Resolv::IPv4 or Resolv::IPv6

Returns the UNNORMALIZED value of this attribute. That is, entities have been expanded to their values

No documentation available

This method returns a list of notations that have been declared in the internal DTD subset. Notations in the external DTD subset are not listed.

Method contributed by Henrik Martensson

Retrieves a named notation. Only notations declared in the internal DTD subset can be retrieved.

Method contributed by Henrik Martensson

Get an array of all CData children. IMMUTABLE

No documentation available

Private helper class. Removes quotes from quoted strings

Evaluates to the unnormalized value of this entity; that is, replacing all entities – both %ent; and &ent; entities. This differs from +value()+ in that value only replaces %ent; entities.

Returns the value of this entity unprocessed – raw. This is the normalized value; that is, with all %ent; and &ent; entities intact

Returns the value of this entity. At the moment, only internal entities are processed. If the value contains internal references (IE, %blah;), those are replaced with their values. IE, if the doctype contains:

<!ENTITY % foo "bar">
<!ENTITY yada "nanoo %foo; nanoo>


doctype.entity('yada').value   #-> "nanoo bar nanoo"

Returns the string value of this text. This is the text without entities, as it might be used programmatically, or printed to the console. This ignores the ‘raw’ attribute setting, and any entity_filter.

# Assume that the entity "s" is defined to be "sean", and that the
# entity "r" is defined to be "russell"
t = "< & sean russell", false, nil, false, ['s'] )
t.value   #-> "< & sean russell"
t = "< & &s; russell", false, nil, false )
t.value   #-> "< & sean russell"
u = "sean russell", false, nil, true )
u.value   #-> "sean russell"

Sets the contents of this text node. This expects the text to be unnormalized. It returns self.

e = "a" )
e.add_text( "foo" )   # <a>foo</a>
e[0].value = "bar"    # <a>bar</a>
e[0].value = "<a>"    # <a>&lt;a&gt;</a>
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