Results for: "tally"

Convert self to locale encoding

No documentation available

Returns self, for backward compatibility.

Returns true if the named file is writable by the effective user and group id of this process. See eaccess(3).

Returns true if the named file is executable by the effective user and group id of this process. See eaccess(3).

Returns true if the named files are identical.

file_1 and file_2 can be an IO object.

open("a", "w") {}
p File.identical?("a", "a")      #=> true
p File.identical?("a", "./a")    #=> true"a", "b")
p File.identical?("a", "b")      #=> true
File.symlink("a", "c")
p File.identical?("a", "c")      #=> true
open("d", "w") {}
p File.identical?("a", "d")      #=> false

Initiates garbage collection, unless manually disabled.

This method is defined with keyword arguments that default to true:

def GC.start(full_mark: true, immediate_sweep: true); end

Use full_mark: false to perform a minor GC. Use immediate_sweep: false to defer sweeping (use lazy sweep).

Note: These keyword arguments are implementation and version dependent. They are not guaranteed to be future-compatible, and may be ignored if the underlying implementation does not support them.

Returns a Hash containing information about the GC.

The hash includes information about internal statistics about GC such as:


The contents of the hash are implementation specific and may be changed in the future.

This method is only expected to work on C Ruby.

Returns the elapsed real time used to execute the given block.

Returns the elapsed real time used to execute the given block.

Returns the tangent of z, where z is given in radians

CMath.tan(1 + 1i) #=> (0.27175258531951174+1.0839233273386943i)

Returns the hyperbolic tangent of z, where z is given in radians

CMath.tanh(1 + 1i) #=> (1.0839233273386943+0.27175258531951174i)

Returns the arc tangent of z

CMath.atan(1 + 1i) #=> (1.0172219678978514+0.4023594781085251i)

returns the arc tangent of y divided by x using the signs of y and x to determine the quadrant

CMath.atan2(1 + 1i, 0) #=> (1.5707963267948966+0.0i)

returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of z

CMath.atanh(1 + 1i) #=> (0.4023594781085251+1.0172219678978514i)

Returns the tangent of z, where z is given in radians

CMath.tan(1 + 1i) #=> (0.27175258531951174+1.0839233273386943i)

Returns the hyperbolic tangent of z, where z is given in radians

CMath.tanh(1 + 1i) #=> (1.0839233273386943+0.27175258531951174i)

Returns the arc tangent of z

CMath.atan(1 + 1i) #=> (1.0172219678978514+0.4023594781085251i)

returns the arc tangent of y divided by x using the signs of y and x to determine the quadrant

CMath.atan2(1 + 1i, 0) #=> (1.5707963267948966+0.0i)

returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of z

CMath.atanh(1 + 1i) #=> (0.4023594781085251+1.0172219678978514i)
No documentation available
No documentation available

Computes the arc tangent given y and x. Returns a Float in the range -PI..PI. Return value is a angle in radians between the positive x-axis of cartesian plane and the point given by the coordinates (x, y) on it.


Codomain: [-PI, PI]

Math.atan2(-0.0, -1.0) #=> -3.141592653589793
Math.atan2(-1.0, -1.0) #=> -2.356194490192345
Math.atan2(-1.0, 0.0)  #=> -1.5707963267948966
Math.atan2(-1.0, 1.0)  #=> -0.7853981633974483
Math.atan2(-0.0, 1.0)  #=> -0.0
Math.atan2(0.0, 1.0)   #=> 0.0
Math.atan2(1.0, 1.0)   #=> 0.7853981633974483
Math.atan2(1.0, 0.0)   #=> 1.5707963267948966
Math.atan2(1.0, -1.0)  #=> 2.356194490192345
Math.atan2(0.0, -1.0)  #=> 3.141592653589793
Math.atan2(INFINITY, INFINITY)   #=> 0.7853981633974483
Math.atan2(INFINITY, -INFINITY)  #=> 2.356194490192345
Math.atan2(-INFINITY, INFINITY)  #=> -0.7853981633974483
Math.atan2(-INFINITY, -INFINITY) #=> -2.356194490192345

Computes the tangent of x (expressed in radians).



Math.tan(0) #=> 0.0

Computes the arc tangent of x. Returns -PI/2..PI/2.


Codomain: (-PI/2, PI/2)

Math.atan(0) #=> 0.0
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