Results for: "Dir.chdir"

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Paths in the gem to add to $LOAD_PATH when this gem is activated.

See also require_paths=

If you have an extension you do not need to add "ext" to the require path, the extension build process will copy the extension files into “lib” for you.

The default value is "lib"


# If all library files are in the root directory...
spec.require_path = '.'
No documentation available

Build various indices

Compresses indices on disk

Install generated indices into the destination directory.

No documentation available

Paths in the gem to add to $LOAD_PATH when this gem is activated.

See also require_paths

If you have an extension you do not need to add "ext" to the require path, the extension build process will copy the extension files into “lib” for you.

The default value is "lib"


# If all library files are in the root directory...
spec.require_paths = ['.']

Is name a required attribute?

Required specification attributes

Singular accessor for require_paths

Singular accessor for require_paths

Checks if this specification meets the requirement of dependency.

check the scheme v component against the URI::Parser Regexp for :SCHEME

Adds server as a virtual host.

Returns the source encoding as an encoding object.

Note that the result may not be equal to the source encoding of the encoding converter if the conversion has multiple steps.

ec ="ISO-8859-1", "EUC-JP") # ISO-8859-1 -> UTF-8 -> EUC-JP
  ec.convert("\xa0") # NO-BREAK SPACE, which is available in UTF-8 but not in EUC-JP.
rescue Encoding::UndefinedConversionError
  p $!.source_encoding              #=> #<Encoding:UTF-8>
  p $!.destination_encoding         #=> #<Encoding:EUC-JP>
  p $!.source_encoding_name         #=> "UTF-8"
  p $!.destination_encoding_name    #=> "EUC-JP"

Returns the destination encoding as an encoding object.

Returns the source encoding as an encoding object.

Note that the result may not be equal to the source encoding of the encoding converter if the conversion has multiple steps.

ec ="ISO-8859-1", "EUC-JP") # ISO-8859-1 -> UTF-8 -> EUC-JP
  ec.convert("\xa0") # NO-BREAK SPACE, which is available in UTF-8 but not in EUC-JP.
rescue Encoding::UndefinedConversionError
  p $!.source_encoding              #=> #<Encoding:UTF-8>
  p $!.destination_encoding         #=> #<Encoding:EUC-JP>
  p $!.source_encoding_name         #=> "UTF-8"
  p $!.destination_encoding_name    #=> "EUC-JP"

Returns the destination encoding as an encoding object.

Returns the corresponding ASCII compatible encoding.

Returns nil if the argument is an ASCII compatible encoding.

“corresponding ASCII compatible encoding” is an ASCII compatible encoding which can represents exactly the same characters as the given ASCII incompatible encoding. So, no conversion undefined error occurs when converting between the two encodings.

Encoding::Converter.asciicompat_encoding("ISO-2022-JP") #=> #<Encoding:stateless-ISO-2022-JP>
Encoding::Converter.asciicompat_encoding("UTF-16BE") #=> #<Encoding:UTF-8>
Encoding::Converter.asciicompat_encoding("UTF-8") #=> nil

Returns the source encoding as an Encoding object.

Returns the destination encoding as an Encoding object.

Returns the length of the hash value of the digest.

This method should be overridden by each implementation subclass. If not, digest_obj.digest().length() is returned.

Generates a radio-button Input element.

name is the name of the input field. value is the value of the field if checked. checked specifies whether the field starts off checked.

Alternatively, the attributes can be specified as a hash.

radio_button("name", "value")
  # <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="name" VALUE="value">

radio_button("name", "value", true)
  # <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="name" VALUE="value" CHECKED>

radio_button("NAME" => "name", "VALUE" => "value", "ID" => "foo")
  # <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="name" VALUE="value" ID="foo">
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