Results for: "Data"

Parses date as an HTTP-date defined by RFC 2616 and converts it to a Time object.

ArgumentError is raised if date is not compliant with RFC 2616 or if the Time class cannot represent specified date.

See httpdate for more information on this format.

You must require ‘time’ to use this method.

Returns a string which represents the time as RFC 1123 date of HTTP-date defined by RFC 2616:

day-of-week, DD month-name CCYY hh:mm:ss GMT

Note that the result is always UTC (GMT).

You must require ‘time’ to use this method.

Returns true if time represents Saturday.

t = Time.local(2006, 6, 10)      #=> 2006-06-10 00:00:00 -0500
t.saturday?                      #=> true

Updates the database with multiple values from the specified object. Takes any object which implements the each_pair method, including Hash and DBM objects.

Returns status information for ios as an object of type File::Stat.

f ="testfile")
s = f.stat
"%o" % s.mode   #=> "100644"
s.blksize       #=> 4096
s.atime         #=> Wed Apr 09 08:53:54 CDT 2003

Adds the key-value pairs of other to gdbm, overwriting entries with duplicate keys with those from other. other must have an each_pair method.

Returns a File::Stat object.

See File.stat.

See File.lstat.

Insert or update key-value pairs.

This method will work with any object which implements an each_pair method, such as a Hash.

Adds the contents of other_hash to hsh. If no block is specified, entries with duplicate keys are overwritten with the values from other_hash, otherwise the value of each duplicate key is determined by calling the block with the key, its value in hsh and its value in other_hash.

h1 = { "a" => 100, "b" => 200 }
h2 = { "b" => 254, "c" => 300 }
h1.merge!(h2)   #=> {"a"=>100, "b"=>254, "c"=>300}

h1 = { "a" => 100, "b" => 200 }
h2 = { "b" => 254, "c" => 300 }
h1.merge!(h2) { |key, v1, v2| v1 }
                #=> {"a"=>100, "b"=>200, "c"=>300}

Adds the contents of hash to the environment variables. If no block is specified entries with duplicate keys are overwritten, otherwise the value of each duplicate name is determined by calling the block with the key, its value from the environment and its value from the hash.

Returns a Hash containing implementation-dependent counters inside the VM.

This hash includes information about method/constant cache serials:


The contents of the hash are implementation specific and may be changed in the future.

This method is only expected to work on C Ruby.

Returns true iff the current severity level allows for the printing of FATAL messages.

Log a FATAL message.

See info for more information.

Returns true if this is a permutation matrix Raises an error if matrix is not square.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns the status of thr.


Returned if this thread is sleeping or waiting on I/O


When this thread is executing


If this thread is aborting


When this thread is terminated normally


If terminated with an exception.

a = { raise("die now") }
b = { Thread.stop }
c = { Thread.exit }
d = { sleep }
d.kill                  #=> #<Thread:0x401b3678 aborting>
a.status                #=> nil
b.status                #=> "sleep"
c.status                #=> false
d.status                #=> "aborting"
Thread.current.status   #=> "run"

See also the instance methods alive? and stop?

Returns internal information of TracePoint.

The contents of the returned value are implementation specific. It may be changed in future.

This method is only for debugging TracePoint itself.

Computes the arctangent of decimal to the specified number of digits of precision, numeric.

If decimal is NaN, returns NaN.

BigMath.atan('-1'), 16).to_s
#=> "-0.785398163397448309615660845819878471907514682065E0"

Returns a Hash containing information about the GC.

The hash includes information about internal statistics about GC such as:


The contents of the hash are implementation specific and may be changed in the future.

This method is only expected to work on C Ruby.

Returns the arc tangent of z

CMath.atan(1 + 1i) #=> (1.0172219678978514+0.4023594781085251i)

returns the arc tangent of y divided by x using the signs of y and x to determine the quadrant

CMath.atan2(1 + 1i, 0) #=> (1.5707963267948966+0.0i)

returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of z

CMath.atanh(1 + 1i) #=> (0.4023594781085251+1.0172219678978514i)

Returns the arc tangent of z

CMath.atan(1 + 1i) #=> (1.0172219678978514+0.4023594781085251i)
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