Results for: "match"

The Resolver::SpecSpecification contains common functionality for Resolver specifications that are backed by a Gem::Specification.

A Resolver::Specification contains a subset of the information contained in a Gem::Specification. Only the information necessary for dependency resolution in the resolver is included.

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A VendorSpecification represents a gem that has been unpacked into a project and is being loaded through a gem dependencies file through the path: option.

The StaticSet is a static set of gem specifications used for testing only. It is available by requiring Gem::TestCase.

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Mounts a proc at a path that accepts a request and response.

Instead of mounting this servlet with WEBrick::HTTPServer#mount use WEBrick::HTTPServer#mount_proc:

server.mount_proc '/' do |req, res|
  res.body = 'it worked!'
  res.status = 200

Root of the HTTP status class hierarchy

Stores multipart form data. FormData objects are created when WEBrick::HTTPUtils.parse_form_data is called.

An object representation of a stack frame, initialized by Kernel#caller_locations.

For example:

# caller_locations.rb
def a(skip)
def b(skip)
def c(skip)

c(0..2).map do |call|
  puts call.to_s

Running ruby caller_locations.rb will produce:

caller_locations.rb:2:in `a'
caller_locations.rb:5:in `b'
caller_locations.rb:8:in `c'

Here’s another example with a slightly different result:

# foo.rb
class Foo
  attr_accessor :locations
  def initialize(skip)
    @locations = caller_locations(skip)
end do |call|
  puts call.to_s

Now run ruby foo.rb and you should see:

init.rb:4:in `initialize'
init.rb:8:in `new'
init.rb:8:in `<main>'

Common validators of number and nz_number types

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The TextConstruct module is used to define a Text construct Atom element, which is used to store small quantities of human-readable text

The TextConstruct has a type attribute, e.g. text, html, xhtml

Element used to describe an Atom date and time in the ISO 8601 format


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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Patterns used to parse URI’s

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